Hi, I’m Penelope Jewell

I live in Saratoga Springs, New York, and I’ve been teaching and practicing Reiki, the Usui System of Natural Healing, since 1984.  I find healing in any form to be a fascinating process.  I was the first teaching Master initiated in New York State, and since then have traveled almost all the way around the world sharing this healing art.  Two most profound experiences were teaching Reiki in leper communities in Bali, Indonesia and Katmandu, Nepal.  I was one of the first masters to bring Reiki as an integrative and support therapy into AIDS centers through The Living Room in Cleveland, Ohio and The Globe Centre in London, England.  Reiki is a natural healing art that anyone can learn and use for themselves and for others.

Adirondack Press, Inc.

    These two books came out of my years of Reiki practice. The “Guide” is written to accompany a Reiki class experience. 

    The only way to learn Reiki is to attend a class and be attuned to Reiki energy by a qualified Reiki Master.  Healing ourselves is something we all already know how to do.  Reiki reawakens that ability within us so we can use it consciously.

    “A Master’s Path” is written about one journey into Mastery in the Usui System of Natural Healing. The “Path” is about my three years’ apprenticeship and training, and continues with the first several years of practice and teaching around the world.  I was one of 500 teaching Masters when the journey began.  Reiki is now practiced in every country in the world.

This is a Guidebook for the practice of Reiki at the first level.  The Guide addresses the approaches of different types of healing, gives an overview of how the body works, and gives illustrated directions for the first level, hands-on techniques for yourself and others.

“A Master’s Path” is a chronicle of one  journey of training in Reiki Mastery, which includes both personal mastery and  the function of  being able to teach the art and technique of Reiki practice to others.

   Writing these books led to learning how to publish books, and starting Adirondack Press, Inc.   One of the things I have so appreciated in my years of practice is hearing people’s stories.  Adirondack Press, Inc. is dedicated to helping people tell their own stories in their own way - everything involved in getting a story from a thought into a printable manuscript form.  Visit the web site to see some of the books Adirondack Press has helped bring into existence.

Through my training as a Reiki Master (one who is able to share the ability to do Reiki with others) I learned the discipline of personal mastery as a continuous life path, as it turned out.  That daily discipline wasn’t exactly what I signed up for, or thought I had signed up for, in beginning the training.  Personal Mastery as a way of life is certainly what happened.  I found the practice to be of such meaning in my life that I began to share the elements of the training in different workshops.  One of my first Master students, Randy Gearhart, began teaching with me, and energyWorks was born.  energyWorks is dedicated to sharing the understanding of personal mastery as a way of life.